Contact Us @ (706)432-1522

Want your vehicle to stay in great condition? Hassle free way to keep your vehicle clean and protected!

This will be a great fit if you are looking to have your vehicle kept at the best possible condition upkeeping the maintenance of your vehicle to stay looking great. This can range anywhere from weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly, it just depends on how often you want your vehicle washed.

What does this service provide?

The Exterior

  • Thoroughly wash vehicle with pH neutral shampoo

  • Remove bugs

  • Clean wheels/tires

  • Clean door, truck, and gas jams

  • Dress tires for a shine

  • Clean exterior/interior glass

The interior

  • Remove everything from the car so we can have a better clean, once we are done we will put your items back

  • All interior will be vacuumed thoroughly including the trunk.

  • Clean and detail interior which include the dashboard, center console, door panels, and headliner will all be cleaned thoroughly.

  • Clean and wipe down all interior glass and mirrors.

  • Doors jambs will be cleaned of dirt and grime

The End Result

Your vehicle taken care of weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly, it just depends on how often your vehicle is used or how heavy the dirt gets daily. Every 5th wash free!

Simple Prices

Depending on the size, condition and type of vehicle, and based how many times vehicle is seen. Could be weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly the price will vary upon those reasons.

Starting @ $40-$100